


Sport across Europe - Poland

Number of students interviewed: 188                                      Age : 10 – 12 y.o.



horse riding 2
sailing 4
gymnastic 8
tennis 13
martial arts 24
dancing 32
skateboarding 35
ice skating 37
athletics 39
badminton 48
table tennis 50
handball 54
basketball 63
rollerblading 72
swimmimg 75
bob sleighing 76
volleyball 77
football 105
walking 120
cycling 140


One of our favourite classes at school are Physical Education lessons. We play all sorts of recreational and team games. The most important of them are:
There are two teams. Each team chooses their “mother” (a captain) before beginning the game. This is a person who stands behind the opposing team’s field. The game involves “hitting” the opponents, i.e. throwing the ball at the other team’s players. The players (except for the “mother”) cannot leave their field. The mother catches the ball whenever it falls behind the field boundaries. Depending on the rules which are agreed upon, we either play “to hit” or for points. The former means that the player who is hit has to leave the field (hence, the team which loses all its players first are the losers). If the latter is the case, every time a player from the opposite team is hit, the team scores a point. The team who score the most points are the winners.




Two teams compete in this game. The players of one of the teams stand within the field, and their opponents stand in line on the left of the “nest” facing the field, with each player being assigned a higher number. Each of the players in the “nest” should kick the ball in such a way as to have as much time as possible to run around the field on the outside of the cones (the base), for which he or she gets a point for his or her team. The game has two parts, each one lasting 10 minutes. Team A begins the first half, team B the other one. The team which scores the biggest number of points in the set time are the winners.



It is a game in which players have to knock down ten heavy bowls. The aim of each player is to knock down all the ten bowls with a ball. The game consists of ten rounds, and each round consists of two attempts. A player scores a point for each knocked-down bowl. The player to score the most points is the winner.




Denmark Spain Italy Poland Romania Turkey Slovenia