


School meals in England



School meals in England

School meals in England

At morning play, from 10.35 to 10.55, we are only allowed to eat healthily. The younger children (4 – 7 years) are only allowed fruit or dried fruit.

The older children can have something from the tuck trolley, which the kitchen prepares. They can have orange juice, yoghurt, fresh fruit, dried fruit and sometimes homemade biscuits.

Our government gives every child under the age of 7 a piece of fresh fruit every day. We usually eat this in the classroom. Children under 5 get a drink of milk.
We can help ourselves to water at any time of the day. Some of us bring water bottles which we keep in the classroom, or just outside.

School meals in England

We have our lunch at 12.00.
Our kitchen staff prepare our meals in the kitchen next to the dining room.
They have to follow very strict rules about the quality of the food they give us. The government sets the rules. They cannot use very much salt or sugar.
Every day there are at least two things to choose from, one of them has no meat in it.
The kitchen staff will also cook meals for special diets.
With every meal we get water to drink. Sometimes we get milk or orange juice. We can also have a piece of bread.

School meals in England

The school menu

On Monday we could choose between tuna pasta bake or cauliflower and broccoli bake. We could have yoghurt, fruit or a shortbread biscuit.

School meals in England


School meals in England


On Tuesday we had a special Easter meal, roast turkey, and new and roast potatoes with vegetables and gravy.
There was an Easter sponge cake too!


School meals in England

Our choices today were macaroni cheese (instead of the risotto on the menu) with vegetables or a salad,
or roast chicken, with stuffing, roast potatoes and vegetables.
For pudding we could choose from an apricot cookie, yoghurt or fresh fruit.
Roast is one of our favourites!

School meals in England

School meals in England


On Thursday we could have lasagne or chilli with rice, salad or vegetable. For a pudding we could have cake and custard or yoghurt or fruit.

School meals in England

Friday is one of our favourite days.
We have fish and chips, although sometimes it’s fish cakes or fish fingers.
We could also choose from a baked potato with tuna mayonnaise or a vegetable plait (a bit like a pie) with salad.

School meals in England

School meals in England




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