


June 2009



Daily students have to go to our allotment where they weed and water the plants.

Slovenian allotment in June

Watering and cleaning
Soon, everything will be as tidy as our rooms.

Slovenian allotment in June

Our allotment cannot host any redundant plants.

Slovenian allotment in June

We admire the pumpkins and their firm stems and sprouting buds.

Slovenian allotment in June

Are there any buds yet?

All three plants started blooming. We could not resist admiring red and yellow blossoms.
Finally, our work gave us pleasure in admiring rich crops!

Slovenian allotment in June

A lot of work to do
Almost every day, students of 8th class got to the allotment
and take care of the plants.

Slovenian allotment in June

Blooming beans
Lovely red colour strikes your eyes as soon as you enter our allotment

Slovenian allotment in June

Many flowers
Pumpkins are full of flowers. we expect a rich harvest.

Slovenian allotment in June

Shy sunflowers
First yellow blossoms are peeking out from behind big green leaves.

Slovenian allotment in June

Decorative pumpkins
We planted some sorts of decorative pumpkins. they are doing well.


Slovenian allotment in June

growing and fattening pumpkins
After you peek inside the green bushes,
there are many shy round pumpkins waiting for more rain and sun
to grow and get fat.

Slovenian allotment in June

More and more zucchinis
Green bushes are hiding a lot of zucchinis.

Slovenian allotment in June

What a surprise were zucchinis over 50 cm long!


Some blossoms have already developed into pumpkins. They looked and – TASTED – wonderful. Yes, we prepared a meal – pumpkin fries. Everybody said they were delicious.

In our minds, there are many ideas how to use pumpkins that will be ripe only in September. Our holidays are a perfect opportunity for inventing some 'crazy' recipes.

Slovenian allotment in June

Tall and full bean stalks
Now flowers, after some time, we will be certainly harvest some beans, too.

Ladybirds bring us good luck. They are always present on our allotment.



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