




Harvest festival

In Wales our Christian tradition is to thank God for the harvest. There is no set date for this tradition but usually late September or Early October. Churches and Chapels will be decorated with local produce and nowadays tinned goods are also given as gifts. These gifts are distributed to the poorer families of our community.
In school we held our Harvest service on 16th October this year. At the centre was a harvest loaf (see picture). The Harvest bread represents the last sheaf of corn to be collected. It is traditional that every loaf has a mouse (see picture) this shows us that it was a good harvest as there was enough even for the mice to eat. We also proudly displayed some of our own vegetables we had grown in the allotments. Children brought in food gifts, some of them prettily wrapped in baskets; this is a tradition to display the food with care. The food we collected was given to a local charity Help the family.

harvest loaf

mouse, harvest loaf




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