Chop the lamb or mutton in 1 cm slices. Separately prepare
spices making a paste with mashed garlic, pepper, salt, savory,
and sweet pepper. Mix all spices well. Use the spicy paste to
rub the meat slices. Then arrange all meat slices on top each
other in a pan and sray them with white wine. Pack the pan with
plastic or cover it well. Keep it packed or covered in the
fridge for 5-7 days. If you have a cold cave, hang it there over
night it till gets dry. In a few days the pastrama is tender
enough. We grill it or fry in a frying pan.
We recommand “must” (newly made sweet grape wine), mămăligă
(polenta), sheep cheese and pickled cucumbers or other pickled
vegetables to go with pastramă de oaie. |