




5th November – Bonfire night/Guy Fawkes night

On the 5th November we ‘celebrate’ the fact that Guy Fawkes and his friends in the Gunpowder plot of November 5th 1605 were caught before they were able to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London.

This is a rhyme which schoolchildren learn to remember the date:
Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
Gunpowder Treason and Plot

Today small communities light fires and put an effigy of Guy Fawkes on the top to burn. We also light fireworks and in Wales it is traditional to make treacle toffee to eat while we watch the fireworks.

Bonfire night

Year 4 and teacher Amy putting the finishing touches to our Guy.

Bonfire night

Harry, year 4, watches as the Guy is put on the bonfire

Bonfire night

teacher Shan and Harry enjoy bonfire night 2009 despite the rain!



The following recipe was made by year 4
Treacle Toffee

450g Soft Brown Sugar
225g Black Treacle
110g Unsalted Butter
2 tbsp Water
1 tbsp Cider Vinegar
Put the sugar, water, treacle and vinegar into a heavy bottomed saucepan, heat gently until everything has dissolved, this takes about 20minutes.

Treacle Toffee

Treacle Toffee

Treacle Toffee

Add the butter mix until it has melted.



Treacle Toffee

Boil the mixture to a temperature of 138°C (280°F).

Remove from the heat, allow the bubble to decrease.

Pour the mixture into a well oiled 18cm tin.



Treacle Toffee


When the mixture has cooled a little, mark the surface into squares with a knife.





Treacle Toffee

Treacle Toffee

Treacle Toffee

When cold break into squares, wrap in cellophane and store in an airtight container.



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