May |
First Communion - Layer Cake |
Communion in Poland
First Communion, which is one of
the most important events in the life of a Christian, is
celebrated in Poland in a very solemn way.
Taking Holy Communion, which is a transformed body of Christ,
unifies a young person with God and strengthens the bonds with
Christ. Therefore, it is a holiday for the whole family, who
participate in this event with the child. All members of the
family receive the Bread, which was transformed by Christ during
the Last Supper, from a priest.
The word communion comes from the Latin word communio, which
means community and in the Catholic religion is associated with
the Last Supper. First Communion is the first conscious act of
consuming the Host, which symbolizes sharing the bread. Bread
and wine are, in turn, the embodiments of Jesus, so First
Communion is the act of accepting a child to those who receive
grace of communing with God. |
The Day of First Communion is
proceeded by long-term preparations, which last the whole year.
A child needs to learn a specified amount of religious knowledge.
Children learn it both during Religion classes at school and in
the parish, where they go with their parents.
According to the law and tradition of Church, children must be
aware of what they are to experience. That is why every parish
has a programme which outlines how a child should be prepared
for the participation in this sacrament. It is also a role of
parents to prepare for this day not in terms of clothes,
guests or gifts. It is a childs mind which should be ready for
the first communion.
A few weeks before the first Holy Communion there are meetings
in church during which hymns, prayers and particular parts of
the ceremony are rehearsed.
After the day of First Communion children take part in so called
White Week. This is a time when a child participates in the mass
every day, dressed in their First Communion outfit.
The day of the First Communion is celebrated usually with the
presence of extended families, which gather for the mass and
then take part in a special reception. Some families hold the
receptions in their houses or flats, while others choose to
invite guests to a restaurant. The central part of the meal is
usually the dessert in the form of a splendidly decorated layer
First Communion Layer Cake
Ingredients for one sponge cake:
6 eggs
120 g dry poppy-seeds; ground
5 tablespoons of sugar
1 tablespoon of plain flour
2 tablespoons of dry bread crumbs
1 teaspoon of baking powder
Ingredients for the cream:
500 g butter
250 g margarine
6 eggs
2 glasses of sugar
some spilit or vodka
juice from one lemon
2/3 glass of strong black tea
2-3 glasses of spirit or vodka
almond flakes
1 bottle of food colouring (red, blue or green)
1 teaspoon of cocoa
Christmas wafer
The sponge cake: Break the eggs to separate the whites from
the yolks. Beat the egg whites with the sugar, until stiff. Add
one yolk at a time, stirring gently. Mix the poppy seeds with
flour, bread crumbs, baking powder and add to the mixture
gradually, stirring carefully. Repeat the process to bake two
more sponge cakes.
Place baking paper onto a rectangular baking tray. Pour the
mixture, bake for 20 minutes at 175 ° C. Insert a wooden stick
to check if the sponge cake is ready.
The cream: Beat the eggs with the sugar over the steam until the
mixture is thick. Cool it. Rub the margarine and the butter
until it becomes light. Add the egg mixture to the butter and
margarine, gently rubbing. Add the spirit at the end. Put aside
a part of the cream for coating the sides and top of the cake.
Add the lemon juice to the remaining cream.
Sprinkle the sponge cake generously with the punch. Spread the
cream on top of the first sponge cake, place the second one,
spread the cream over it, and put the third cake on top. Add
some cocoa to the cream for coating the sides and mix it well.
Coat the sides, Sprinkle them with the almond flakes. Add some
red food colouring to the remaining cream. Spread it on top.
Decorate the layer cake with a lila, grapes, a candle and a mass
cup. Make the wafers out of the Christmas wafer.