These traditional little cake are
made with an almond covered by sugar. They are a symbol of
happiness, luck and prosperity, so they are used for the
important ceremonies: baptism, holy communion and wedding. In
Italy many children have their First Holy Communion in May. They
receive a lot of presents and they give some confetti to their
relatives and friends. Usually the confetti are in a small box
or bag, called “bomboniera” with a little gift and a card with
the name and the date. |
Spring rice – Riso primavera
Ingredients (two people)
200 g rice
1 carrot
100 g green beans
100 g beans
100 g. peas
other vegetables, at pleasure
1 clove of garlic
Boil the vegetables in water for ten minutes.
Brown the clove of garlic in a pain with oil, add vegetables and
rice and the water where you have boiled the vegetables. Salt
and cook for ten minutes. You can taste this rice also cold.