More than a recipe, this is a
Spanish tradition that is fun and easy. On New Year's Eve,
Spanish people eat twelve grapes as the clock strikes midnight.
You eat one grape for every time the bells ring. Each stroke of
the clock lasts one second, so you have to eat twelve grapes in
twelve seconds. This can be a bit difficult to do and also funny
to watch. According to Spanish tradition, if you eat them on
time (without choking!), you will have good luck next year.
12 grapes
1.Wash the grapes well and put them in groups of 12. Put them in
a bowl or wrap them in aluminium foil and prepare one package
for every person in the family.
2.To help the children, people often peel the skin off the
grapes and take out the seeds, so they are easier to eat.
3.A few minutes before midnight, make sure that everyone in the
family has their 12 grapes.
4.When the clock starts to strike midnight, start eating! Eat
one grape every time you hear the bells chime.
5.When you are finished, give everyone in your family a hug and
kiss and say “Happy New
Year!” ¡Feliz año nuevo! |